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21 Days of Self-Care: Day 12 - Get Your Protein
Our first super-star nutrient in the spotlight is protein. Protein helps build and repair almost every tissue in our bodies, including...
21Days of Self-Care: Day 11 - The Kitchen Makeover
Sorry, this kitchen makeover has nothing to do with marble countertops or stainless steel appliances. This is about creating an...
21 Days of Self-Care: Day 10 - Read the Label
In our Day 9 post we talked about eating mostly whole foods, and how processed foods are basically the opposite of whole foods. To recap:...
21 Days of Self-Care: Day 9 - Eat Mostly Whole Foods
Fresh vegetables & fruits, fresh meat & poultry, fresh fish & seafood, nuts & seeds, beans & lentils, whole intact grains, minimally...
21 Days of Self-Care: Day 8 – Record Your Intake-Part II: Analyze your data
Now that you have recorded your data in your food journal, these are some things to look for. From a strictly nutritional viewpoint: Does...
21 Days of Self-Care: Day 7 - Record Your Intake, Part I: Collect Your Data
My plan was to try to spend just one day on the practice of food journalling, but I didn’t want to leave out the part about what to do...
21 Days of Self-Care: Day 6 - Create & Practice a Sleep Ritual
Sleep is a wonderful thing. It makes us feel good, helps us recover, and helps us get leaner, healthier and stronger. (Remember all those...
21 Days of Self-Care: Day 5 - Take a Media Vacation
In the nutrition coaching program I offer, (powered by Precision Nutrition's ProCoach platform) this lesson is more specifically geared...
21 Days of Self-Care: Day 4 - Movement Matters
So, how long have you been sitting there at the computer? Seriously, that long? Time to get up and move. What to even say here? Everyone...
21 Days of Self-Care: Day 3 - Eat Slowly
This practice is simple, but not necessarily easy. For each meal today, try to take a few extra minutes to just – pause. After each bite...
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